State of Urgency
State of Urgency: Protest Posters created for the Rhode Island Community is an exhibition that was thought, named, branded, drawn, and assembled with urgency! The print work displayed was developed during the summer of 2020 by the Print Like You Give A Damn Press Collective—at the AS220 Community Printshop, as a reaction to the social unrest and protests happening locally in Providence, but also globally.
The show was on view in the fall of 2020 at the Cohen Gallery, at the Brown Arts Initiatives building. For covid restrictions, people couldn’t access the space, so the design needed to be appreciated from the glass windows. We took this opportunity to use tv displays and big type to translate the context in which the work had been developed, as well as a way to invite the viewers to Rise Up and vote in the past November 2020 elections in the US.
The show was on view in the fall of 2020 at the Cohen Gallery, at the Brown Arts Initiatives building. For covid restrictions, people couldn’t access the space, so the design needed to be appreciated from the glass windows. We took this opportunity to use tv displays and big type to translate the context in which the work had been developed, as well as a way to invite the viewers to Rise Up and vote in the past November 2020 elections in the US.
Designed in collaboration with José Menéndez, for the Print Like You Give A Damn Press Collective, at AS220, Providence

Exhibition view at night time

Interior view of show during the day

Collage composition by Nafis White

Contruction drawings, early sketches

Exhibition graphics on building facade
© Tatiana Gómez 2024