Because We’re Curious
Temporary installation by the Risd Art Circle (RAC), a group of young artists and art enthusiasts lead by RISD Museum’s Education staff. They explore the RISD Museum’s collection and activates it through different projects. This installation seeks to provoke responses from teenagers about art and museums through a series of questions. These questions are displayed on a wall in the basement of the Museum and the idea was to embrace its underground character, make it feel fresh but also not too precious in order to invite the viewers to interact with the wall, edit it by adding drawings and writings.
I proposed a stencil format for the layout. The texts are laser cut into cardboard and spray painted. The final displayed elements are the stencyls themselves, in an attempt to show a less precious wall at the museum by uncovering the process of making, to welcome the viewers to engage with the installation.

© Tatiana Gómez 2024